WITH THEIR ANSWERS

Interview is an important part in recruitment in many jobs. All private jobs are based on personal interviews and many government jobs also have a personal interview part. But this personal interview can be a nightmare for some guys, at least for those who have faced these out of the box questions.

Today we are going to talk about 5 personal interviews incidents that will blow your mind. These guys were lucky that they got the answer to these questions, perhaps some were not. So, if you are preparing for a personal interview then do read this blog. So lets get started.


5). Interviewer:

 Have a cup of sugarless tea by adding teaspoonful sugar.

Initially he got bemused and thought for a few seconds, and added a teaspoonful of sugar into the tea cup and stirred well.Secondly, he took one more teaspoonful of sugar and ate it to sweeten his mouth.After sweetening his mouth, he started drinking the cup of tea which made the tea SUGARLESS.As we all know, we feel sugarless to tea/coffee after consuming sweets.


  ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) = 30

This is what you have for the equation. The following are the numbers that you can use to fill in the brackets: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. You can repeat the numbers if required. The resulting sum should be 30.


There is no mention if you can use sign or not and thus the only possible way to get this is as follows: (15 – 9) + (13 – 7) + (7 – 1) + (9 – 1) + (13 – 9). If you solve inside the brackets, you will get the following equation 6 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 4. Adding all these numbers will give you 30.

3). Interviewer:-

Twenty years back, there was a plane which crashed from nearly 20,000 feet over Germany. It is important to remember that Germany at that period was partitioned as East Germany and West Germany. In that incident where would you bury the survivors? In East Germany? West Germany? Or no man’s island?


Sir there is no problem for burying them as survivors are not buried. Dead are buried. 


Assume that you are a driver of a bus. You first took 10 passengers to place A and 7 got off there and 3 more entered in the bus and then you took the bus to place C and there 4 got off and 7 more entered and then at place D 5 got off and 5 entered. What is the name of the driver.


Sir the answer is my name as you told in the beginning that i am driving the bus.

1). Interviewer:-

You have just one match and you are entering a room where you have a kerosene lamp, a wood burning stove, an oil heater. Which one among those would you light first?


Sir i will light match stick first as this is the only source by which i can light anything in that room.

That was it for today guys. Hope you liked it.

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