Children say many things in their innocence, but most of the time we do not pay much attention to them and the things told by them. But some time they say something very strange and creepy which gives us goosebumps. Do they see more than us or do they have better sixth sense than us.
Well children do not always say funny things, or at least not these children as the children mentioned in this list said the CREEPIEST things ever. Don't forget to vote for your favorite one.
Top 5 creepiest things said by children:-
5).Good bye daddy :-

A 5 years old boy was going for sleep. His father told him," Good night." To that he answered," Good bye daddy." His father said," It's not good bye, it's good night." He said," I know but this time it's good bye." And he went for sleep. Father died in that night due to heart attack. So do children know the time of death.
4). He is behind you.. :-

A boy was crying in his room at night, this makes the mom woke up and she went to his room and asked the reason of crying. He said," There is one man under my bed." Mother looked below and saw nothing and told him to sleep. At this the boy said,"Now he is behind you." That's creepy.
3). My brother is in there.. :-

A 3 years old boy was coming back from market with his father and when they were walking past by the cemetery and the boy suddenly told his father," My brother is in there." When the dad reminded him that he didn't has a brother, he said," No dad... from before. When the other lady was my mommy.
2). She lives in ceiling.. :-
A girl about 5 years once told her parents," There is a woman in my room who watches movies with me and she doesn't like anyone to interfere in between the movie." To that her mother said," No body sleeps in your room." She added," She lives on the ceiling."
1). The man who crawls on the floor :-
A 4 year old girl lived with her parents. She always thought that the rattling sound coming from water pipes in the kitchen was "white wolves" and that sound scared her. One day she was sitting in the kitchen with her mother and she told her," White wolves aren't bad... They are our friends? To that her mother said," Yes, They protect us." Then her daughter added," They are our friends, but not the man who crawls on the floor and stands up my bed." That is super crazy.
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