
                                   REAL STORY


You all must have heard of Dracula but have you ever thought about Dracula, and how the idea of Dracula originate. For those of you who thinks that Dracula is entirely creation of a book, you are wrong. Lets read the real story of Dracula. Lets get started.

Most people thinks that Dracula is the creation of Bram Stoker novel called the Dracula. But Dracula is not entirely the creation of Bram. But it originated from a real figure called Vlad Dracula. He was the son of Romanian Emperor who lived during 15th century.

Vlad fought the war against Ottomans. There he acquired name "Vlad The Impaler" for his favored method of execution. After his death his blood lust become the subject of morbid legends which may have inspired Bram. 

One legend say that when he died then his nails start growing longer and longer and also his hairs start growing. He always was busy in war which shows his blood lust and which even continued after his death. He was buried and soon after people start disappearing from the nearby village.

He is still buried in a big hole near Bucharest. Archaeologist once find his corpse, they took it to Archaeology lab and guess what, it disappeared next day, leaving questions surrounding Dracula unanswered.

Now it is to you whether you believe it or not.  


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