TOP 10 BEST POKEMON

Pokemon is one of most watched Japanese anime. Pokemon is romanized contraction of "Pokemon Monster". It is  managed by "The Pokemon company". It is consortium of Nintendo, "Game Freaks" and "Creatures" but still "Nintendo" is sole owner of trademark and it was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. Now it has gone very famous with recent game called "Pokemon GO"

The story of Pokemon revolves around  a character called "Ash Ketchum" or in Japanese "Satoshi". He goes on a  quest to become a Pokemon master and there he make new friends and continue his journey. He fights in different tournaments and also catches new Pokemons. Now this series has reached to generation 7 and today about 20 pictures have released. Today ash has caught total of 86 Pokemons including his 30 Tauros. 

Today we are gonna discuss Top 10 best "non legendary" Pokemons of all time. So lets get started.



Slaking is large bulky and ape like bipedal Pokemon. It is considered the laziest Pokémon, but even when it is lounging it’s saving energy to be able to strike back. It can exert a lot of power by releasing built up energy all at once. It only moves around when there is no more food within reach for it to eat.


  Aggron is huge bipedal Pokemon.Using its horns, it is said to be able to destroy a steel tank.  It claims a large mountain as its territory and fiercely defends it from trespassers. If its environment is damaged by a flood or a forest fire, it will restore the area by bringing in topsoil and planting trees. 


 Metagross has a large number of characteristics which are different from the other pseudo-legendary Pokémon. Metagross is a robotic pokemon with disc shaped body and four legs. The main body appears to serve as both head and body, and this Pokémon's overall construction gives it the appearance of a mechanized arachnid. 


  Hydreigon’s stats give it a number of unique characteristics from the other pseudo-legendary Pokémon. Hydreigon. Hydreigon is a three-headed, draconic Pokémon with six thin, black wings that each end in two points on its back. It has a fuchsia-colored collar on its neck which surrounds its head.


Flygon resembles a slightly insectoid, bipedal dragon. It is primarily light green and has a pair of large rhombus-shaped wings with a red trim, toeless hind legs, and skinny arms with three-clawed hands. Flygon the name "The Desert Spirit". It lives in the desert.


  Salamence is a quadruped, draconic Pokémon with a long, tapering tail. It is primarily blue with a gray lower jaw and thickly scaled underside. There are red markings on its throat, the underside of its tail, and stripes on the inner surface of its legs. Additionally, there are raised red ridges above its eyes. Three flat fins protrude from either side of its head.


With a focus on power and durability, Tyranitar sacrifices Speed to have tremendous bulk and skill. Mega Tyranitar is the tallest pseudo-legendary Pokémon, at 8’02” (2.5 m). Mega Tyranitar has the highest base Defense, with 150. Lowest base Speed (when not Mega Evolved), with 61.


Unlike the other pseudo-legendary Pokémon, Goodra is mainly defensive, and its Attack and Special Attack are very similar. Goodra is a pudgy bipedal dragon type pokemon that is coated and dripping with goo. It has bright green eyes and two green spots.


Garchomp has high speed, high HP, and high attack with a versatile selection of moves to use. Garchomp is a bipedal, draconian Pokémon that is primarily dark blue in color. It has red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. 


Being the first pseudo-legendary, Dragonite has straightforward and well-rounded stats. It has a traditionally high Attack and above average stats otherwise. Dragonite is a draconic, bipedal Pokémon with light orange skin. It has large, grayish-green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head, with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is cream-colored, and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail.HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED IT.

LET ME KNOW WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON(NON LEGENDARY).  let us know that if you have a blog suggestion for us.


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