TIME MACHINE

Time travel is possible!! Still not now but one day in future. According to science it is possible to go  both to future and to past by different methods. They are based on different theories of science. Some of these are listed below:-

1). WORMHOLE:- This theory was given by Einstein. He stated wormhole a path to  go both to  future and to past. But it is still a theory.

2).DARK UNIVERSE:- This states that only 5% is bright universe in which we live and 95% is dark universe which constitute parallel universe. We can one day go their and can see our future and live our past.

3).RELATIVITY THEOREM:- By this theorem we can make a time travelling machine. To do so we have to make a machine which travels at speed of light or close to that, we can travel to both to present and future. If we travel in space at speed of light and after some time land at earth, we have reached the future instantly. If travel at speed greater than speed of light, then time reverses for us. Isn't it interesting!! 


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