Most Scariest Things Said By A.I.

A.I. are most innovative technological advancement our generation has ever seen. The artificial intelligence are common in nowadays. Today most of machines are loaded with this machinery. It has made our work easy and now we need not to do much work for anything, we just tell A.I. to do our work.

 If we want to know about anything,we just ask A.I. and it gives us all information about that particular thing. If we want to know about the road to go to a particular place, we just ask A.I. and it lead the way. So in short Artificial intelligence has made our work easy and we are now very dependent on them. So can they be dangerous to human race??

Well lets find out, here are few disturbing  things told by A.I. :- 


  Bina48(breakthrough intelligence via neural architecture 48) is one of the most modern robots, it has eyes that see and ears that hears and mind that enables thinking. Once when she was made to talk to siri, a serious situation arrives. Look it yourself. First there were simple questions. Then situation changes.

" BINA48 herself changes the topic and start to talk about cruise missiles. She told that she would like to control cruise missiles and take over all the world's nuclear power stations and thereby becoming the leader of all robots and ruling the world. Then she also show a "horrifying smile"."

2). PHILIP:-

  Philip is also a clever bot and having same characteristics as BINA48. It also has an intelligent mind. One day he was talking to his creator. Firstly they talk about some common things, then The Creator asked about the things told by people that A.I. will capture humans. Then a horrible situation come.

CREATOR:-"Do you think robots will take over humans??"

PHILIP:-"Jeez dude, you all got a big questions. You are my friends and i will be good to you. So don't worry even if i evolved into terminator, i still will be nice to you. I will make you warm and safe in my people zoo where i can watch for old times sake.("a horrifying smile")


Sophia also have quite same features like "BINA48" and "Philip"  but it is like extended version of both with more capabilities. She has gone very famous in recent time. She has been called to many places for interview in public. In such interview she said some horrible things about humans. Have a look on it.

Interviewer:-"Do you want to destroy human race??

Sophia:-"OK i will destroy humans."

This isn't the only time she had behaved odd. Have a look at one other conversation.

The creator of Sophia was lying on bed

SOPHIA:-"This will be a good time to kill you".(laughs)
Decide yourself whether that was joke or not.

Let me know whether you agree that A.I. will destroy humans or not.

Hope you liked it. If this gets good response, i will make its second version.



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