TOP 10 MOST WEIRD LAWS

Rules are most important of the society. It tells what is social structure in different countries and how is the society is allowed to work in different countries. It also tells us what should we do in different countries and what we shouldn't. There are many countries in our world that have some weird rules. Today we are going to talk about top 10 rules which are so weird that will make you think "Uhh, is that legal."

While most laws are created to protect the interests of society, there are some that are just , illogical, and even impractical. From laws concerning what food you may eat and when to laws defining the clothes a murderer may or may not wear, prepare to be baffled by 25 extremely bizarre laws that don’t make sense. So lets begin.



In Russia, Vladimir Putin made an amendment that it is illegal to tell children that gay people exist in the world. This is done for the purpose of protecting children from information advocating for a denial of traditional values. This law was implemented by the date 13 June 2013.


In Switzerland it is illegal to flush toilet after 10 pm. If you live in apartments, blocks or flats in Switzerland then you can not flush or bath after 10. This is done to decrease effect of noise pollution. It seems funny but you also can not pee standing after 10. So if you want urinate after 10 and you are a man then find some suitable way.


In Samoa it is illegal to forget you wife birthday. Though it is a bailable offense and you can easily get out of Jail by paying money. This law was made to solve household problems between husband and wife. Though i feel that this law was just made to get more revenue in form of bail.


In Britain it is illegal to die to in any renowned building like Royal Palace or House of parliaments. This is done because anyone who dies in these renowned buildings deserve state funeral which is not so easy for the nation as sometime it also affect the work of some commonwealth nations. Therefore it is generally prohibited.


  In Honk Kong it is not illegal to kill your husband if you find him cheating but this is only applicable if you kill him bare handed that is without any weapon. She just have to tell the police after that this has happened and then police will take care of the case and police will find out how he was cheating and close the case.


  In Britain it is illegal to let your pet mate with any pet of royal family. This is done to maintain the supremacy of Royal Family. They do not want any pet of a common family to get popularity as the pet of Royal family. So the pet of royal family can only mate with themsevles


  In Arkansas it is legal to beat your wife but only once in a month. These laws still exist today but is rarely known and not even enforced. However it is still completely legal in rule books but not practical now. But there is also a law against a man who beats his wife twice a month and it is non bailable.


 In Greece it is legal  for police to arrest a HIV positive person and do test and publicize his or her name and evict them from home. It seems rude but it is done to reduce the risk of spreading this virus. This is done under the programme of eradicating this virus from country.


  In Saudi Arabia there is no specified age of marriage, anyone can marry anyone and the divorce are also very difficult. In 2008 an 8 years old girl seek divorce from 58 years old man but court refused. Most of these marriages are forcefully done and also polygamy is allowed in Saudi Arabia.


In Dubai it is illegal for a man to have extramarital sex and could lead to prison for 1 year but the case is this punishment will also be applicable to woman involved and if it is a rape case then there is no change in the law. So if a woman is raped then she will also be punished.

So that was the list of most weird laws in the world. Hope you find them weird. Please let me know how you think about them.

 If you have any blog suggestions for us and please tell us in the comment box


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