Science has grown immensely in last two centuries. We have came to know about different finding of science now. But still there are many things yet to discover by science. I am saying this because science still can't explain certain events. Every day certain mysterious things happen in our lives whose cause is unknown to us. 

Today we gonna discuss some mysterious things that has happened in different parts of world which science can't explain. So lets get started.

Top 10 mysterious things that science can't explain:-

10).Why do cats purr:-

We all knows that cats purr when they purr but a cat can purr for a long time and between that its heart beat is also heard. So what makes a cat live during purring when its blood supply in its body stops. That's a very tricky questions and science has no knowledge about it.

9).Cows magical power:-

During a survey it was found that cows during eating turns their head toward north or south. So do they have a natural compass inside them or it is just a coincidence. This trait was found in all cows regardless the continents, weather and other factors. Well no one knows the answer.

8).Gelatinous rain:- 

This unusual phenomenon occurs at Oakville,Washington in 1994. A gelatinous substances started falling from the sky instead of rain. The next day many people went to doctor as they were suffering from flu symptoms. On test it was found that it was same substance which is found in digestive system.

7).Planets after Kuiper belt:- 

Our solar system have many asteroid belt, not just one between mars and jupiter. There is also a belt beyond Pluto called Kuiper belt and we do not know is there a planet beyond that. Scientists has discovered many large objects in that area but are unknown what they are?? What do you think is there a planet there and does it has life??

6).Why big animals got extinct:-

Science has not find the real cause behind the extinction of large animals. Most people believe that those animals died due to climate change, volcano eruption and starvation but that is not true as animals where there are no volcano and they can't die due to starvation as they have good stock of undigested food which they can use anytime. So how did they die??

5).How space roars:- 

You must have heard about space roars and even have heard it on YouTube but have you ever thought about its origin. How we are able to hear it. We know that sound can't travel in vacuum, so how it is possible. Research is going on about this. Tell what you think about its origin??

4).What is really living:-

  Science can't really find neither the real meaning of life nor the real origin and not real definition of life and who to consider as living. After lot of discussion plants were considered as living but are they really living. Why have us taken birth? Where have we came from? Are we alien to this planet?  God knows...

3).Dance plague:-

This all started in 1518 in Roman Empire. There was a woman called Mrs. Troffea began to dance in the street without stopping. She constantly danced for a week. After that she died due to heart attack and exhaustion. But this doesn't stop there. After a week 34 other did this and died the same way. No one knows why this happen??

2).Time travelers:-

Science is not able to predict the original identity of the So called "Time Travelers". There are many time travelers found till now. Some were also clicked in photo or recorded in videos. There is s self claimed time traveler which doesn't disclose his position in the world but is interviewed by many time news TV. you can check on YouTube.

1).What's inside blackhole:-

Science also doesn't know what is inside the blackhole. There are many speculation about it but no one knows the real truth behind the blackhole. Is there a new world toward the other side of blackhole which is more better than us. That is one more thing that scientist don't know.well that was the list. Hope you enjoyed.

 Please let us know if you have any blog idea for our next blog.


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